Secondary market liquidity is essential to government liability management. 政府债务管理的关键是建立具有高流动性的二级市场。
The court found a more rational among the network service providers, balance owners of copyrights and the pubic, which advanced the standard of Secondary Liability in America. 法院在网络服务提供者、著作权人及公众的利益之间找到了一个更为合理的平衡点,促进了美国的间接责任制度认定标准的进一步完善。
Chinese in primary and secondary injuries of the insurance system started late, so far, related research focuses on the principles of tort liability school identification, insurance, responsibility and commitment on insurance costs. 我国在中小学生伤害事故保险制度上的研究起步较晚,到目前为止,相关的研究主要集中在学校侵权责任原则的认定、保险责任范围以及保险费用承担上。
Considering the protection of the primary and secondary students, and strengthen the supervision of the insurance law, the liability insurance litigation should be protected in the right of action. 基于保护受害学生的考虑,提出赋予受害中小学生在责任保险诉讼中的直接诉讼权利,提出加强保险法律监管等措施。
School liability insurance in which primary and secondary schools should assume responsibility for tort damage liability insurance is a form of insurance subject to transfer the risk of schools to compensate, to compensate for loss of primary and secondary injuries. 校方责任保险是以学校对中小学生应当承担的侵权损害责任为保险标的的一种责任保险形式,旨在转移学校赔偿风险,合理补偿中小学生的伤害损失。
Case, the defendant should bear secondary liability, does not constitute a traffic crime. 该案中,被告人应承担次要责任,不构成交通肇事罪。